After logging into the administrative side to your WordPress site, click Users in the left hand menu.
Step 2
This will bring you to the “All Users” screen. To add a new user, click Add New either at the top of the screen or in the left hand menu.
Step 3
Create a username for the user you want to add. Enter all required information and any other information, such as the name and website, for the person you feel is important.
Step 4
To make things easy, select the box next to “Send this password to the new user by email.” This way the new user automatically has this information available to them.
Step 5
You will need to select a role for this new user. Click the dropdown and select the role you want this user to have.
Subscriber – has basic and very limited access.
Contributor – can submit content to be published by the administrator.
Author – can write pages and posts.
Editor – can edit content on pages and posts, but not publish.
Administrator – has access to everything.
(These are very general descriptions of these roles and are subject to change due to the permissions your developer has written for them.)
Step 6
After selecting a role, click Add New User and you’re finished!