United Against Poverty is a nonprofit organization that seeks to lift lives out of the cycle of poverty. Each year they host a fundraising luncheon to present donors with testimonies about their various programs and how they're effectively reaching those facing poverty in the Central Florida community. The Treefrog team has been tasked over the last several years to produce videos with interviews of clients who have used United Against Poverty's programs and share their success stories. The visual story telling combines interviews, drone footage, and supplemental footage to share these amazing and inspirational stories.
Over the last several years, we've been tasked with revamping the entire three-year curriculum for Northland Kids Church - The Worship, The Word & The Way. The project has encompassed branding the annual series, creating videos for skit introductions and series videos and even t-shirt designs for the kids to wear. The Treefrog team utilized their motion graphic and design skills to create over 70 videos and over 300 slides that are used throughout the curriculum.
316 Main Street Station, an iconic biker bar in Daytona Beach, decided to start selling customized bricks to pave around their establishment. They needed a promotional piece that could also serve as an order form. The end product was a perforated rack card sporting a grungy street look and some cheeky typography. Rack Card - 9”w x 4”h Perforated Order Form Printed on 14pt Uncoated Cover Stock 2009 Communicator Award of Excellence To promote the bar we were also tasked with creating a 20 second motion graphics video to be used at the Daytona Airport. The video is played above…
As a startup small business, Fusion Fitness Designs approached us needing branding, collateral and communication tools to begin marketing their fitness equipment manufacturing business. We created a strong, standout logo that is used on their equipment and an informational brochure that uses strong, bright colors to highlight their unique fitness equipment and the services they offer. The brochure was printed on 100# McCoy Silk paper to give it a soft and high-end feel. (Printing by Abbott Communications Group) To quickly communicate and show off the incredible line of fitness equipment, we shot a short video in their manufacturing facility. We then…
The American Advertising Awards (ADDYs) recognizes and rewards the creative spirit of excellence in the art of advertising. The three tier competition begins at the local level and here in Orlando the Treefrog team rallies to create outstanding promotional materials for the winners award show. For 2013, the theme of the Orlando ADDYs was 'Passport to Florida' - a nostalgic look at Florida's tourism past. We designed the promotional materials to have a retro travel feel using palm trees and images of travelers clad in retro style. The event invitation was letterpress printed by local printing company, Mama's Sauce using…