Last Wednesday, June 17th, Dan and Christian visited the InfoComm09 Expo held at the Orange County Convention Center. The expo highlighted the latest technology for information communication. We saw amazing 3D screens that did not require any special glasses, amazing LED screens and we were particularly inspired by the innovative ways of advertising utilizing LCD screens and motion graphics. Christian and Dan are ready to experience InfoComm09 Here's an impressive LED light display at InfoComm Here's a touch screen vending machine at the Samsung booth Here's an LED Light Wallpaper - it can conform to any shape! Here are the…
Subscribe So to complement our podcast, we wanted to offer up a variety of resources that you can check out to find out more about connecting with your online audience. Twitter Slide Show about using Twitter to market your business. MySpace and Facebook Netpop Research's 2008 study
The ever-changing landscape of the Internet leads to many gaps between who's in and who's out, especially with regards to jargon. Nothing makes a person look less aware than gross misuse of terminology. I've assembled this brief guide to help our valued readers cope in our Twitter world. Twitter |ˈtwitər| Noun: A micro-blogging service, in which users post updates consisting of 140 or fewer characters. Verb: To use Twitter Tweet |twēt| Noun: A single post on Twitter Verb: To create a post on Twitter · Twit, twitted · Tweetered · Any use of t, w, a vowel, and then t…
Recently we've seen some pretty ingenious internet marketing campaigns utilizing Twitter. One of the best was produced by MacHeist, a company that offers Macintosh software bundles and has found huge success within the Mac community. Their latest software bundle offered two additional software applications for FREE so long as you Tweeted a specific phrase about buying the software bundle. Example of a user's Tweet for the MacHeist Tweetback Campaign As users began tweeting about the MacHeist bundle to download their free software, the information went viral and boosted their sales significantly as more Twitter users learned of the MacHeist software…
When most hear the word 'brand' they immediately think of some symbolic logo like the Nike swoosh or the Macintosh Apple, but branding is more than just a logo and is an integral part for growing any business. The first thing to understand about building a brand is understanding how it plays into your marketing plan. Marketing consists of the four 'P's: Product, Pricing, Placement and Promotion. Your product has to be good, your price must be competitive (or your quality so overwhelmingly superior that consumers will pay more for your product), and where you place your product is critical…