While on our field-trip to infoComm13, we visited several exhibits featuring the transparent display screens, but one exhibit in particular caught our fancy with their marketing technology more than any other. AOPEN, a major electronics manufacturer with a specialty in digital signage, was showcasing their use of touchscreens in retail spaces. Similar to the idea of a transparent screen over a display of a product, the touchscreen is used as part of the display making it possible for the consumer to actually interact with the display. Imagine the selling possibilities with a display that reinforces the consumer's visual experience in…
Friday, June 14, the Treefrog team journeyed out of the office on a field-trip to the Orange County Convention Center for the 2013 information and technology show: InfoComm13. Walking in we were greeted with the brilliant flashings of the many LED screens and searchlights. We were like children in a candy store not sure where to begin, but as we moved through the many exhibits a new and very cool technology seemed to present itself as the theme of the show: transparent display screens! With these screens, information, or specifications, about a product can be viewed directly over a display…
Subscribe So to complement our podcast, we wanted to offer up a variety of resources that you can check out to find out more about digital and offset printing. Definitions Define: Digital Printing Define: Offset Printing Digital vs. Offset Printing Advantages of each method and how to decide which is right for your project. Offset Printing FAQs Answers from Printing for Less Digital Printing Information Information from printindustry.com VISIT ABBOTT COMMUNICATIONS GROUP Abbott Communications Group, Orlando
One of our clients has taken the logo we created for them to the next level by applying it to furniture that is featured at special events. Unique Option offers furniture and accessories for special events and are now offering a new feature, the ability to apply your company's logo onto their furniture and accessories. Here are some examples of what they are doing: Unique Option Pillow and Coffee Table Unique Option Meeting Table Unique Option Water Fall
As new features and applications develop for social networks like Facebook and Twitter, more companies are realizing the importance of utilizing these tools in their marketing plans however, many simply do not know how to effectively use these tools to communicate with their online customer base. Many people think that just simply offering specials or news about your own company will draw in business but this is simply not the case. It can take some time to build up a captive online audience, but if done right, your business can grow by leaps and bounds as you connect with your…