It's that time of year again when the weather starts to get a little bit cooler and everything seems to be doused in pumpkin spice. With all the Halloween decor coming out, I've noticed that some of the marketing collateral can often look cheesy. I think it's important to steer away from anything that resembles an established brand (i.e. Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Harry Potter, The Addams Family) and I also think it's wise to stay clear of difficult to read, grungy fonts like Chiller or Creepy. So here it is, I've scoured the internet to find some great fonts…
GoTrends and Tips
Designers create. That’s the nitty gritty of it. They plan and they devise. Any construction, any composition, any creation, was originally the brain child of a designer. It’s likely a wiring in the brain, this need to make something out of nothing. To see what is there where others cannot. And, when someone is wired in this way, it’s impossible to turn it off. In our previous installment of our Designer’s Fashion discussion, we exhibited the finished product; the favorite wardrobe items of designer Christian Knightly. Our creative sample this time? Orlando Magazine art director and graphic design adjunct instructor…
GoWith information about SEO trends and tips running rampant on the internet - some of it years out of date - it is easy to become overwhelmed and misdirected. Floods of information, seemingly giving new advice on updated trends, easily leads us to believe SEO practices are constantly in flux. And, while there is some truth to this, Google's frequent updates to its algorithm aren't always major game changers. Google Hummingbird, however, launched in September 2013, actually is a new algorithm as opposed to a simple update to the existing. Prior to, and especially after the announcement of the new…
GoA man observes a woman from across the room and finds himself captivated. Is it her eyes? Her mouth? Her...? A woman sneaks a glance at a man as he passes her on the street and becomes titillated. Is he sleek? Sophisticated? Or perhaps the right amount of rough around the edges? Whatever it is that turns us on, we know it when we see it. That same inherent attraction to our fellow human beings is also what drives our pull to a certain aesthetic. Truth be told, we make a considerable number of insignificant daily choices based on…
GoAll designers have opinions on the best and worst fonts; especially on which are worst. So much so, it seems everywhere you look these days someone has written them down and shared them in a blog post. Well, this post is no different. We simply felt it was time to share our judgement in this worldwide dialogue. Our list counts down from number ten to the number one World's Most Tragic Font. The origin of Arial is commonly misunderstood. While Microsoft introduced it into their suite of system fonts for Windows 3.1 it was actually created for IBM. It is…