Designers create. That’s the nitty gritty of it. They plan and they devise. Any construction, any composition, any creation, was originally the brain child of a designer. It’s likely a wiring in the brain, this need to make something out of nothing. To see what is there where others cannot. And, when someone is wired in this way, it’s impossible to turn it off. In our previous installment of our Designer’s Fashion discussion, we exhibited the finished product; the favorite wardrobe items of designer Christian Knightly. Our creative sample this time? Orlando Magazine art director and graphic design adjunct instructor…
I am a traveler. My adventures have taken me from camping in the Serengeti to horseback riding around the Egyptian pyramids to exploring catacombs in Ukraine. These experiences traversing the globe have been an inspiration and great influence on my choices and design aesthetic. Over the years I've gathered many resources to re-create retro and vintage travel posters and marketing materials. The art deco influences of the 1930's produced some of my favorite pieces. Below you'll find a vast array of tutorials, typefaces and vectors you can use for inspiration and creating your own retro travel posters and marketing materials.…
noun 1. A person who devises or executes designs, especially one who creates forms, structures, and patterns, as for works of art or machines. 2. A schemer, intriguer, or plotter. noun 1. A prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc. If you are or have ever associated with those we call “creatives,” then you know their outfits are often so visually stunning they look as if they just stepped off the page of a magazine. Not limited to the realm of fashion, the designers and artists of other industries still use their creative genius for planning their…
A year ago I had the surprising opportunity to go to Kenya with a team from to document their first trip distributing water filters to children there. Over the past year my friend Marcus and I have taken the footage I collected and edited an informative video detailing the mission of Hollis Bennett, the photographer that joined us on the trip, took some great shots of me while watching the sun set over Lake Victoria. See them here! The trip was an amazing experience, exposing the simple need for clean water in third world countries. Water is Life…
One of our clients has taken the logo we created for them to the next level by applying it to furniture that is featured at special events. Unique Option offers furniture and accessories for special events and are now offering a new feature, the ability to apply your company's logo onto their furniture and accessories. Here are some examples of what they are doing: Unique Option Pillow and Coffee Table Unique Option Meeting Table Unique Option Water Fall